The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Quebec, Canada Saturday, October 13, 1956
Canadian Open Championship
Following is the standing of all competitors in the First Canadian Open Championship. Ten rounds of Swiss system play. Players drew numbers by lot and first round a blind draw. Second round, winners paired with winners, and those who drew or lost were similarly paired. Third and following rounds pairing based on relative point scores, without duplication of pairing. Cash prizes were awarded on the basis of earned points only and in the case of ties divided evenly. Evans received the title on the tie-breaking method, which was based on the Sonneborn-Berger in which the player receives the points of opponents defeated and half those he drew with. The Median of this is arrived at by eliminating the single highest and lowest scores and ignoring all zeros. Further ties were resolved by the Solkoff method which includes the sum of opponents scores. These are not indicated here except by the relative standing.
Alexander Wins British Title
C.H.O'D. Alexander won the British championship at Blackpool, 9½-1½, followed by F. Parr, 9-2; B. H. Wood, editor of “Chess” Magazine, and M. J. Haygarth, 7½-2½ each. 32 played 11 rounds of Swiss system. The event was weakened by the absence of Golombek, Penrose, Wade, Milner-Barry, Clarke and Phillips who were away in Moscow representing Britain in the World Team Championship. The State Department insisted Alexander who is on their staff, stay home!