Washington Post, Washington, D.C., November 24, 1956
Chess Experts Move In
CAPTION: This was a scene in the Central YMCA, 1736 G. st. nw., yesterday as 56 of the top chess players in the East went into the second day of a tournament that ends Sunday afternoon. The tourney is sponsored by the Log Cabin Chess Club of New Jersey and the District of Columbia Chess League.
CAPTION: Nicholas Rossolimo of New York, rated a grand master in chess circles, studies a move during the Eastern States Chess Tournament at the Central YMCA. Rossolimo was one of Europe's foremost players before he came to this country.
CAPTION: Height, weight and age are no considerations in a chess tournament, as Sam Sloan, 12, of Lynchburg, Va., demonstrates during his match with one of the adult entries. Sam is rated as one of the leading chess players in his state.
CAPTION: Deep thought is given by Bobby Fischer, 13, of Brooklyn, N. Y. during yesterday's tournament play. Bobby is the United States Junior Chess Champion.
By Arthur Ells, Staff Reporter