The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, Sunday, September 30, 1956
New Teen-Age Star Vaults Into Limelight
The recent United States Chess Federation junior title tournament turned up perhaps the most promising teenager to hit the big-time since Larry Evans and Arthur Bisguier rocked the chess world as prodigies.
This newest 13-year-old wonder is Brooklyn's Bobby Fischer, Bobby jumped into the lead at the very start of the Oklahoma City tournament and swept to an amazing 8½-1½ victory.
Chess Review reports that he won the final game from David Kerman on an adjudication which required more than two hours of analysis by a panel of three referees.
Arthur Feuerstein of New York and Charles C. Henin of Chicago tied for second honors at 8-2, followed by Sidney Geller, 8-3.
Feuerstein won the U.S.C.F. junior speed championship. As one of six finalists in a field of 18, he scored 4½-½, just a half-point ahead of Fischer. William Lombardy placed third with a score of 3½-1½.