The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Canada Saturday, August 11, 1956
A. Bisguier Wins U. S. A. Open
Arthur Bisguier, New York, U.S.A. champion, won the National Open championship at Oklahoma City, 9½-2½ pts. Tied with him in earned points but ranked second in S-B rating was James T. Sherwin, also of New York. They split the top prizes for $750 each. Robert Steinmeyer, St. Louis, places third, 9-3. Bobby Fischer, 13-year-old Brooklyn boy now U.S.A. junior champion, tied with four others at 8½-3½ Seven tied at 8-4 including J. Theodorovitch, Toronto, previously unknown. Geza Fuster's final standing is unreported although he completed his schedule. After scoring four wins in succession he lost to J. T. Sherwin in the fifth round. One hundred and one played 12 rounds of Swiss under George Koltanowski's direction.
In winning the U.S.A. Junior at Philadelphia, Bobby Fischer, Brooklyn, set a record as the youngest to win the title. His score, 8½-1½, was followed by C. Henin, Chicago, and A. Feuerstein, N.Y., with 8-2 each. Francois Jobin, Quebec, the only Canadian entrant, placed 11th with 5½-4½. Twenty-eight played 10 rounds of Swiss directed by W. A. Ruth.