New York Times, New York, New York, Thursday, July 26, 1956
Di Camillo Draws With Steinmeyer
Philadelphian, Leader Share Point in Eighth Round of National Open Chess
Special to The New York Times.
Oklahoma City, July 25—Robert Steinmeyer of St. Louis drew his eight-round match today to hold the lead in the open championship of the United States Chess Federation.
Playing the white side of a King's Indian defense used by Atillio Di Camillo of Philadelphia, Steinmeyer split the point after forty moves. The young Westerner has a score of 7-1 and paces a group of four at 6½-1½, with the tournament two-thirds over.
In the group are three New Yorkers, including Arthur B. Bisguier, United States champion. Bisguier defeated Orest Popovych of Lakewood, N. J., in a King's Indian defense lasting thirty-seven moves.
Two others, James T. Sherwin of New York and Anthony F. Saidy of Fordham and Douglaston, Queens, drew a Benoni Counter Gambit in fifteen moves. The last member of this quartet is Derwin Kerr of Cranford, N. J., who scored on the black side of a King's Indian defense against C. C. Crittenden of Raleigh, N.C., in thirty-two moves.
A half point farther back at 6-2 are Di Camillo, Jack O'Keefe of Ann Arbor, Mich., and J. Theodorovitch of Toronto.