New York Times, New York, New York, Tuesday, August 28, 1956
Eight in Tie at Montreal
Montreal, Aug. 27—Eight of a total of eighty-eight entries in the first open championship of the Canadian Chess Federation are setting the pace with clean scores after three rounds on the campus of McGill University.
Three of them are New Yorkers—Larry Evans, William Lombardy and James T. Sherwin. The fourth from the other side of the border is Hans Berliner of Washington, and the fifth, Atillio Di Camillo of Philadelphia.
Canadians with three straight are Frank Anderson of Toronto, D. A. Yanofsky of Winnipeg and Pavolis Vaitonis of Hamilton. Next, with 2½-½ each, are Sidney Bernstein and Edmar Mednis of New York.
In a group with 2-1 scores Bobby Fischer of Brooklyn, 13, is on equal terms with Maurice Fox, Dr. J. Rauch and Lionel Joyner of Montreal, M. Rohland of Milwaukee and Robert Sobel of Philadelphia.