New York Times, New York, New York, Sunday, August 26, 1956
Evans in Canadian Event
Special to The New York Times
Montreal, Aug. 25—Eighty-four chess players, including seventeen from the United States, gathered here today for the start of the Canadian Chess Federation's first national open championship tournament.
Larry Evans, former United States champion, heads the invaders. Other visitors are William Lombardy, Edmar Mednis and James T. Sherwin, two former New York State champions, and Nicholas Bakos of New York, and Sidney Bernstein and 13-year-old Bobby Fischer of Brooklyn.
Also E. S. Jackson, Flushing, Queens; William Drakert, Jamaica, Queens; J. Weininger, Scotia, N. Y.; Hans Berliner, Washington; Atillio Di Camillo, A. G. Muller and Robert Sobel, all of Philadelphia; E. S. Hand, Hartford, Conn.; M. Rohland, Milwaukee, and Charles Sharp, West Scarboro, Me.