Courier-Post, Camden, New Jersey, Thursday, July 12, 1956
Bobby Fischer, 13-year-old member of NY Manhattan Chess Club, is New Junior Champion of U.S. Chess Federation
Bobby Fischer, 13-year-old member of New York's Manhattan Chess Club, is the new junior champion of the U. S. Chess Federation, succeeding Charles Kalme of Philadelphia. Fischer won his title by defeating a brilliant field in the annual tournament for players under 21 years of age, held at the Franklin-Mercantile Chess Club, Philadelphia.
Fischer was the youngest player in the tournament and is the youngest ever to win the title. A resident of Brooklyn, he has been playing chess since he was eight. He expects to compete in the U.S. Open at Oklahoma City, which starts next Monday.
Fischer's final score was 8½-1½. Tied for second were Charles Henin of Chicago and Arthur Feuerstein of New York at 8-2. Sydney Geller of Philadelphia finished fourth at 7-3, Twenty-eight players from 13 states and Canada took part in the tournament. Feuerstein was the winner of the speed championship.