Statesman Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, July 16, 1956
Young Chess Champ to Vie With Veterans
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)— Bobby Fischer, 13-year-old U.S. Junior Chess champion from Brooklyn, N.Y. has arrived in Oklahoma City to tackle a bunch of tested veterans.
Bobby will compete in the U.S. Open Chess tournament which opens here Monday for a two week run.
The Brooklyn youth won the junior chess championship last month at Philadelphia, becoming the youngest titleholder in history, but he'll find plenty of competition here.
Jerry Spann, tournament chairman, said Bobby will be one of 200 chess leaders from throughout the world competing for the open title. Finals will be played July 28.
The Brooklyn boy, who started studying chess problems as soon as he arrived yesterday, already has a reputation as a rugged competitor.
He has played as many as 25 persons in separate games at one time and has competed in tournaments in Cuba, Florida and Neb.